The past week has been pretty busy as usual despite my two days off, I had a lot of social commitments and although they were very fun, it’s always great getting back to my room and catching up with my personal tasks and goals.

On Tuesday I spent my evening with the weekly Code First:Girls Beginners class as my role as a CF:G Ambassador. It was the final session of the semester so we were treating the participants with a social that involved 12-inch pizzas and amazing cocktails. The final session was very fun, everyone was busy doing their last minute touch-ups to their website for the CF:G national competition and I had fun helping out with any errors they had come across.
That’s one of the best things about this job – having the opportunity to assist in the problem-solving process in web development which is always, always super rewarding because the result is immediate!
Another thing that I really enjoy as part of the ambassador team was the actual recruiting to sign up to the course process. I promoted the course thoroughly on social media, hoping to inspire people with my own story and enthusiasm towards women in tech. And it worked! We managed to get 45 sign-ups which are almost double last year’s figures!
Also, during the session, one of the girls had actually told me that she decided to sign up to the course because she was inspired by how keen I was on my posts. Needless to say, I was thrilled to know that the liveliness rubs off 😉
The session reminded me of last year’s Spring session where I had taken part in the course, learned and enhanced some skills, and entered the competition! Having the alternative view on the judging panel side was interesting and listening to the meaning and intention behind people’s designs was great! 😀
If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw the websites they had made. I was busy tweeting away on Tuesday as the competition rolled in and showcased their websites. Feel free to have a look through the amazing work these girls have made in just 8 weeks! #shefCodeFirst

We finished off the evening by going to a local restaurant that is known for awesome pizzas and cocktails. Which by the way, was very cheap! Only £10? Even better!

I really enjoyed my time with Code First again, being an ambassador allowed me to meet some more like-minded girls who have proven once again to what women are capable of (so girls, never shy away from anything that is traditionally ‘a boy thing’, because you can do it too!) I’m looking forward to next semester’s advanced course on Python and hope to see as many of the beginner’s course students there as possible 🙂
Excited to continue to share and inspire!
Another successful @CodeFirstGirls course done! Well done to everyone who participated ? #shefcodefirst #womenintech
— Pauline (@paulienuh) November 22, 2016
Many thanks to those who sent me so much love and support in the last post, you all rock my world!
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