August, For Me

By the beach, taken from my holiday in Spain at the end of July

This is the first time I’ll be writing a round-up post, I usually jump into the next month without reflecting on what I did the month before but I wanted to change that for August.

August was the month of sudden change, a constant battle with bad news after bad news but being me, I tried to keep my spirits high. And although it faded momentarily, I’m back on the green fluorescent track.

Main highlights

  • Began my “Year in Industry” placement with unwavering excitement to shine whenever I can.
  • Bought my first ever Kindle and read two absolutely inspiring books from start to finish, which has always been difficult for me with my busy schedule but I’ve finally dedicated time and won’t stop now.
  • Successfully maintained my blog for one whole year after my long hiatus.
  • I left my part-time job of 1 year and 4 months in retail but have kept the strongest relationships with my work family.
  • Visited another new city in England.

I’m happy because…

  • My New Years resolutions are going great – excited to look back at it at the end of the year and see how much I’ve ticked off!
  • ☺ I have great friends offline and online.
    • I spent most of my free time catching up with amazing, supportive people, meeting new people, hearing fascinating stories and feeling more inspired, more loved and more alive than ever.
  • ☁ I’m feeling healthier, fitter and more at peace. Thanks to the burning determination to work out my body and mind.
  • ❤ I finally strengthened my understanding on my self-worth and let me say, I will never again settle for anything less than I deserve.

Next month I will…

  1. Excel on every aspect of my placement – my agenda will start getting busier starting September!
  2. Be consistent with new things in my routine e.g exercise, self-love and reading!
  3. Actively be more thankful to others who have supported me throughout the ugly

Monthly favourites


Reading: I thoroughly enjoyed Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba, it left me feeling empowered to go out into the world to do anything I want to because I can. 

There are life long teachings on the catty women behaviour, negative competition and copycats in business as well as happiness and success specifically for female entrepreneurs. Give it a read if you’re lacking a bit of motivation or inspiration!

Beauty: Coconut oil for makeup removal and currently loving simple “no-makeup” makeup.

Most played music: CL – LIFTED and Drake & Rihanna – Too Good.

Quote of the month

Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.

Let’s continue rockin’ in September!


14 responses to “August, For Me”

  1. Seems like August was an amazing month for you. I am glad that you won’t settle for less than you deserve anymore. That’s the spirit <3. I wish I had a kindle. It would be easier for me to read in the public transportation. I think I will add it on my list of things I have to buy. I have my tablet and I read books on it but I find it very hard.

    I am glad you met a lot of people and heard a lot of stories and they inspired you. This summer I met a lot of people too and the same as you, they inspired me to do great things. It's funny how a person can change your life only by sharing something with you.

    I wish September will be as good as August was. Take care <3

    1. You should definitely get a Kindle! It’s super lightweight and much easier to read in public!

      Thank you Cristina, all the best 🙂

  2. Round-up posts are awesome ;). I really respect you for keeping your spirits up despite of what happened. GO YOU! GO KICK BUTT!

    Congratulations on your accomplishments in August! Hope September and going forward will be full of awesome accomplishments! We’re here to support you, so go on and be the successful girl you’re destined to be (with hard work) :D. It seems like a lot of people left their jobs last month XD. Even me!

    I think that book you’re reading is pretty interesting- especially when it addresses catty women (um…) and copycats! There’s no need for that in the industry.

    1. I’m currently trying to write more concisely because I’m known to go on and on 😛 Thank you for being one of the most my biggest supporters last month! Much love going your way as usual! 🙂 <3

  3. Did you get a Kindle????! Is it the Paperwhite or the basic Kindle? 😀 Do tell me your thoughts about it ^^

    I am glad you’ve taken this month to better yourself with your body and soul. I am especially proud of you coming to the conclusion that your self-worth is high and you deserve the best <3

    That book sounds interesting. I may check it out 😀 I must say that Nancy's comment about the book cracked me up — the timing's just pure gold.

    I hope you'll have a great September, Pauline! Keep it up with everything!

    1. It’s the Basic Kindle! I love it, it’s super lightweight but only disappointed with the lack of a backlight. I’ve bought a little light now though 😀 Paperwhite will definitely a future investment!

      Thank you Tara, you’ve been so loving and supportive! <3

  4. I’m so glad my career loves me haha. I gotta be honest, it is a good quote but I wouldn’t say I like it a lot… cos it is nice to be loved as well.

    Sounds like the month was great for you! Loving this women empowerment. ?

    Also hooray for having your blog for a year. Damn, I still remember when you blogged on mortal-beauty, haha, hope that doesn’t embarrass you too much. 😛

    I’m enjoying reading about your health progress, SO AWESOME! Keep kicking ass, Pauline. You rock. ?

    1. Awww, thanks Georgie! I love posting about my health progress because I can easily compare what has changed and it’s so satisfying to know that things have been working out 😀

      Haha, I can’t believe you still remember! I love/hate those days with my immature self 😉

  5. Haha! the Quote of the month caught my attention. Anyways sounds like your August was very eventful and I’m happy to hear that you’ve been doing great when it comes to self improvement. I’ve been trying to work on that too this year. I hope you are having a wonderful September so far! 🙂

    1. This year’s focus has been self-improvement, I’m happy that I’ve really done exactly that. 🙂

  6. Despite the bad news you received, you definitely turned it around, girl! Am so proud of you 😀 Congratulations on all your achievements thus far!

    What books are you reading? I bought myself a Kobo, but I found I don’t use it anymore and I prefer paperbacks – that’s just me, though! Each to their own, but I’m glad that it’s getting you more into reading 🙂

    “Too Good” is toooo good, haha. Love that song~ Also, hello CL. She is so bad ass – I love her. Actual goals.

    1. I’m currently reading #GirlBoss, I’ve strangely found myself love reading business-related, motivational and women empowerment books! 😀 I find them very inspiring!

      I love CL’s new song, it’s still on repeat for me!

  7. August was…okay for me, i guess. september though, started out bad. it still is, since it has something to do with me worrying about my health. damn it.
    anyway, nice to know that days have been going good for you. i haven’t been reading for so long lol i should fix that but i’m just so lazy. wow, i used to be diligent with reading (and no, no kindle or ebook for me because i’m a traditionalist when it comes to books. i dislike digital books haha)

    “no makeup” makeup is the nicest imo. at least for me, it doesn’t age my face and i love it. plus, it’s more lightweight and natural 😉

    1. I’m really starting to embrace my natural look and I’m loving how getting ready is now a quicker process 😛

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