A Day in The Life: Every November

☁ Today, I’ve decided to do Georgie’s link up this month. Day in the Life is a monthly link up where bloggers document their daily life on a designated day each month to show what a typical day is like. Make sure to join in! I always love reading what people have been up to on a daily basis (always curious!)

3 years ago in November, I was first introduced to this wonderful local restaurant in my city by boyfriend. I remember feeling super excited but at the same time, a little shy because this was one of my first times in a restaurant with someone else other than with my family.

I’m not too sure why but we decided to make the trip to this particular restaurant a yearly thing, it’s always been something to look forward to closer to the end of the year for my boyfriend and I.

We actually had quite a free day from our usual hectic schedule so we went to the restaurant for our late lunch/early dinner. There’s just something about the atmosphere that makes it so attractive to me: music was on point (Just the way you are – Barry White started playing making it very romantic obviously), the decorations were so pretty; not to mention the staff were extremely friendly and welcoming.


When we sat down, we – as usual – took quite a while to choose what to have. Whenever I go out and eat at a place, without fail, I am always torn between two or three or all the dishes. For the past two years, I only had the spaghetti bolognese but this time I wanted to have a different dish, hopefully in a few years I would have had all the dishes on the menu.

This year I had chicken, mushroom & spinach tagliatelle whilst my boyfriend had lasagne – which he reckoned was the best he’s ever had (sure better than anything I could ever make)

It was such a lovely, relaxing day although I did stress and felt a little down (as explained from my last post) I did cheer up mainly because of the lovely company and the amount of food I had. They have huge dishes, it’s not one of those big plates with a small dip in centre of it where you get like a spoonful of food; instead, it was a huge plate with the right amount – I didn’t actually get to finish all of it (I did most of it though!)


I’m excited for future Novembers where I can discover more of their menu, I know I could just keep going but leaving it, later on, every year is super exciting for me. It’s like waiting for Christmas but instead, waiting for Mama & Leonie’s food! It’s a good idea I think because you’ll never get sick of it because you hardly have it. I remember eating at Cosmos for the first time and thinking it was the best place ever, I went there like another 5 times after the first and it just wasn’t as good. To be quite honest, I was sick of it after the third time but the price for the chocolate fountain? Worth it.

I remember eating at Cosmos for the first time and thinking it was the best place ever, I went there like another 5 times after the first and it just wasn’t as good. To be quite honest, I was sick of it after the third time but the price for the chocolate fountain? Worth it.

Our starter – Mushroom Piccante

I guess it’s cheesy for me to say that it’s quite close to my heart because the amount of food I get there is amazing and you know what they say, to get to a man’s someone’s heart is through their stomach.

Very happy with the food
Clearly very happy with the food

I love yearly things – just like Christmas!

With it just around the corner, my town is already preparing the Christmas decorations. I take a picture of the great Christmas tree that’s up in the centre of town – I have done for years! Sure, it’s the same tree, same lights, same position but there’s something strangely homely about it all. It just is all sorta special.

Have you got a special thing you do every year?


22 responses to “A Day in The Life: Every November”

  1. NOOOOOOOOOOOM. All those food photos *_* I think it’s great that you and your boyfriend made it an annual thing to go to this restaurant! That’s a nice tradition 😀

    Glad you tried something different! I’m pretty much the same in that if I find a dish I like at a restaurant, I only eat that XD But I’ve been trying to expand my food selections a bit!

    Darn it! Now, I’m hungry! XD

    1. *tries to virtually give you some food from the photos

  2. Hi Pauline!

    Oh gosh I just love finding new restaurants and simply eating <3 If only our body was okay with devouring everything without fail. haha!

    That looks like a really good restaurant. It is cozy and the food plating looks delicious and is probably is because of your review. Maybe I'll take a note of that place when I get to England. When I was in Lisbon where my brother works, he introduced me to these fantastic hole in the wall places where only authentic Portuguese dishes are cooked and OH MY GOD THE FOOD WAS HEAVEN! Probably like your restaurant as well!

    I love Christmas and cannot wait to see snow again hopefully when I get to Paris this December. Christmas villages and fairs in Europe just do not compare anywhere else.

  3. The restaurant looks neat! It’s always great to have a restaurant to go to, especially when you’re stuck between the dishes they have XD. The spaghetti looks extra tasty! Christmas is an awesome with all of its seasonal festivities. I wonder where the Christmas trees are stored during off season. The mall near my house has a huge christmas tree set up and that’s lots of storage space!

    I don’t have a special thing I do every year since it really differs. I should start a tradition XD.

    1. You should, it’s so much fun! Like a little present every year!

  4. All those food photos look delicious! That’s nice that you have an annual tradition to go to this restaurant together 🙂

  5. Awe, that sounds so beautiful. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been down in the dumps recently, but don’t worry, things will get better. I’m glad that you and your boyfriend have a place to go to at the end of the year. I wish we were like that.

    However, we used to be with Starbucks. We would get Starbucks every so often, but we’ve made it a habit to go just about every day (no wonder why we’re broke). I know, it’s a stupid thing to do. Anyways, we went to this one Starbucks shop nearby where we live and now the employees all knows us and jokes with us. It’s funny. I remember one time, we ordered a green tea latte, and one of the baristas joked with us and said “I’m sorry, we are all out of the matcha powder.” Then another barista added on the intercom “We’re also out of milk too!” We’re like wow. What do you have? They both said “We do have pastries. That’s it.” They ended up laughing and so did we. There’s another barista there that knows us extremely well and we hand her the gold card and our debit card most of the time. However, one day I was ahead of the game and placed money on the gold card already. She was holding out both her hands and was shocked to know that I put money on the card already. It’s fun to know people and make it special. Just like your guys’ little restaurant. Special.

  6. That food looks awesome! Makes me hungry! XD

    Kinda simiar to how me, my mom and sister go to Outback. Usually in the summer and sometime after Christmas.

  7. Such a lovely & happy post yay! 🙂
    This place looks & sounds so nice and special hon. Being obsessed with lasagne, I would definitely love to try it there awww! lol
    Sweet little tradition of going together to that restaurant hon, he’s a keeper 😉
    You look beautiful, btw.
    Yay for A Day In The Life, loved it!
    I remember I used to do a DITL whenever I used to have my Open Diary profile (an online diary/blog of some sort – loved it but it was shut down).
    xox Nadia

  8. So nice that you do something every November. :’) Perhaps I should tell Nick to start something like this haha. We go to the same restaurants all the time but never on a specific date for a specific occasion. We are usually just like, ‘Wanna go to Doughbox Diner again?’


    A lot of fancy restaurants like to have huge plates then serve a really… uh… small serving. It is usually painfully obvious when it arrives at your table. 🙁 I don’t know much about culinary arts but I can imagine that most of those small servings are like that because they take more pride in the presentation and want you to buy more entrees or desserts too (like, to have the full three courses). Or, maybe the plates are seriously just huge and fooling us… but I don’t really think so haha.

    Glad you had a yummy time! 🙂

  9. You will share your leftovers, right? Looks so good and the place itself is very beautiful. Has that nice and very sophisticated feel.

    I too, try the same dish every time I go to the same restaurant, but for once, I tried something different.

  10. Aw, that’s so cute that you guys have that tradition. The restaurant looks so nice 🙂

    I’m glad you felt a little better, despite everything. Food will always make you feel better. Italian food is soooo good. Cosmos is pretty good – they closed the one near me, so I don’t even know where the nearest one is now. I haven’t been in ages!

    I love Christmas too, and I’m so excited that all the Christmas lights are going up right now! I don’t really have a special thing I do every year. Wish I did, though!

  11. Love these photos. Looks like a great restaurant, it’s always a plus when you get a “proper”/big meal rather than something more measly haha

  12. LOL. I am the same way at restaurants – I can never choose which dish I want because I just want to try all of them! The restaurant looks so cute and homey at the same time! and the food looks sooo good! I love anything Italian. Just put it on my plate now so I can eat it, please!

  13. I love the restaurant tradition you have with your boyfriend! It seems like a great thing to look forward to each year 🙂 It’s kind of funny because I can usually choose my dishes quickly, but my husband doesn’t. It drives me crazy sometimes, haha. The dishes you guys got look delicious!

    My husband and I always try to take a trip around October or November every year because it’s near our anniversary. We just got back from it too!

  14. I love the food pictures. <3 90% of the pictures on my phone are of food and I rarely get to share them unless I am recommending a restaurant.

    My boyfriend is the pickiest eater ever. I guess our yearly thing is going out to a nice sit down restaurant, however, there isn't a specific one that we go to. I'm trying to get him to come out with me to a German Restaurant that we went to over 2 years ago now. Crossing my fingers that he'll actually go and try something that isn't schnitzel lol.

  15. Amazing post dear! Have a nice day:)


  16. That is so lovely that it has become a yearly tradition and would make it really special. It’s great that you tried something different. 😀 It does look very delicious!

  17. Aww what a cozy little restaurant and the food looks yummy! You look adorable in that photo. It’s so nice to have traditions that you can keep, it makes certain days in the year for you to look forward to!

    I have a friend who lives in Australia, our birthdays are 1 day apart and each year we celebrate on Skype. This year I sadly missed it though because I got a surprise birthday party from my friends here. We made it up though!

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